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“The best music is essentially there to provide you something to face the world with.”
- Bruce Springsteen -

Saturday, February 27, 2016

#108 Living Proof by Bruce Springsteen

"You shot through my anger and rage
To show me my prison was just an open cage
There were no keys no guards
Just one frightened man and some old shadows for bars"

Today was a birthday party for my son who is turning four next week. We had his party at a historical carousel. It was magic. Not the carousel or the presents or all the people who came because of their love for him. It was his face. I saw pure happiness as he rode around on the carousel horse with his friends around him. 

Pure happiness and my heart ached with the "missing words to some prayer...a prayer I could never make". A prayer of love, thankfulness, and a knowing. I had a moment of "undying light" where I knew what all this was for. It was a glimpse only and with a quick return to earthly matters I locked it away quickly in my heart. I don't know what it was or of what it was proof, but it was real and fragile and came from my son. You gave me the greatest gift today and every day. 

Happy Birthday bud!!!


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